Friday, December 17, 2010

7 Things

This is my 7 Things (no, it has nothing to do with Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus or any of her other creepy friends....)

I was tagged in Lucy Scherschligt's Blog so I would finally post something for one!  And I am telling the truth when I say there are some posts in my draft box but I don't thing that they are good enough to actually post yet.  And I am having so much trouble finding time to photograph, but tonight I am having a photo shoot, baby!  We'll see what comes out of this!  I really am quite excited being that it's just me and my brother :)

     So.... Here are my seven things!


1. I have a big obsession with the number 4.  It's kind of ridiculous.  Oh.... and I hate the number three.  Notice how the stars above ^^^^ are 4, and I do 4 dots when I write.  Its a weird thing....

2. I just love chocolate covered pretzels.  I love them so much.  They are the perfect combination of salty and chocolaty with a smooth crunch.... yummy!

3. I love my mom's Nikon D3000!  I love to shoot with my mom's camera!  It is so nice and perfect!

4. The two shoes that I am auditioning for!  I just auditioned for the part of Tobias Ragg in Sweeney Todd, and I am auditioning for the part of Charlie Brown in You're A Good Man Charlie Brown this January!  I will be sure to update you on how I do!

5. Christmas Tree Bokeh.  I just love Christmas Tree Bokeh, and I am so excited to take some here tonight! 

6. This may not be a thing you didn't know, but I am so excited to go to Ragstock with my friend Olivia tomorrow!  I have never been there and I am so psyched!

7. I am obsessed with Ho Ho Mint Mocha's from Caribou Coffee!  They are my little sip of heaven whenever I get to have them!

Well, this kind of turned out to be more of an obsessions thing, but whatever!  Hopefully I'll post a few more times this weekend!

Just Me,